Our school’s athletic programs are organized by the Athletic Board. This includes recruiting coaches, scheduling games, concessions, equipment maintenance and more. Our Athletic Board meets as needed. If interested in volunteering, please contact our Principal.
2023/24 Athletic Board President is Amy Roche.
Our Home & School Association’s purpose is to strengthen the relationship between parents and staff, in order to actively support the educational process of our children. All school parents and staff are members of our Home & School Association. This association is organized by an elected board of parents. Our Home & School board works with other parents organizing social events and fundraisers. We meet ranging from two times a school year or as frequently as bi-monthly. To become a part of the Home & School board, please contact our Principal or the current association president.
The Endowment Committee assists the parish in the development, implementation, and operation of an endowment fund to provide long term financial support to the school. Officer's terms last 3 years, but an officer can serve a maximum of (3) 3-year terms to total 9 years. You may be invited to join this committee or you can volunteer by contacting the school office at 920-623-5780.