St. Olaf - DeForest St. Joseph - East Bristol
623 Jefferson St. 1935 Cty. Hwy. V
DeForest, WI 53532 Sun Prairie, WI 53590
The DeForest Knights of Columbus meet monthly on the 1st Monday of the month.
Area activities include fundraisers for the DeForest Area Community & Senior Centermonthly pancake breakfasts and annual nut sales to raise funds for student scholarships. Scholarships are awarded each year to students who represent their church and community extremely well. Many other charitable contributions are made to worthy organizations and causes throughout the year.
The Knights of Columbus offer scholarships to graduating seniors who are members of St. Olaf Parish. Six scholarships ($750 each) are awarded to qualified applicants.
A letter of acceptance from the college/school the applicant will be attending is required prior to payment. The scholarship can be used for any educational fees (books, tuition, etc.)
Return completed applications to the DeForest High School guidance office or the St. Olaf Parish office by Monday, April 14, 2025.
KC Scholarship Application