Providing ways for our students to continue to grow outside of the classroom is an important part of St. Jerome School. We offer several development programs to our students.
Our Catholic faith is central to who we are and as such, students participate in celebrating Mass twice a week. As Catholics, we believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist and those who have received First Holy Communion at a Catholic church are invited to receive the Eucharist at school Masses. Parents are also welcome to attend our school Masses throughout the year.
Our students attend Eucharistic Adoration throughout the school year. It is an opportunity for the faithful to pray to Jesus Christ before the Eucharist. Please watch for communications from school as we schedule Adoration.
Learning about our Catholic faith is an important focus in all classrooms, but it receives special attention in 2nd grade. At this age, our students prepare to receive their First Holy Communion and First Reconciliation.
An important part of our enrichment outside of the classroom is the Buddy Program, which pairs up an older student with younger students for the school year. Buddies attend Mass and work on projects together. Through this program, our older students gain leadership skills that are strong and life-lasting.
We are also blessed at St. Jerome School to have a Grandbuddy Program. This unique program pairs up a senior with a student in grades 4-6. We continue to write letters to one another for three years and get together at our annual Grandbuddy Mass where we celebrate a year of friendship. Through our writing, we have shared our lives with someone we might not have otherwise known. From this friendship, we have gained a greater appreciation for others. This friendship is one of God’s wonderful gifts to us.
At the junior high level, students may participate in team praise and attend a yearly retreat to Camp Gray. Each year at Camp Gray the students build on skills learned the previous year.